
Speaker: John Mannion

Download time for modem: approx. 3 minutes

Installation Instructions (approx. 10 minutes)
1. Click on the QuickTime button above.
2. Fill out the form.
3. Click on the "Download QuickTime" button.
4. QuickTime will download automatically to your computer. (Note the file into which it is put.)
5. Click "Install" when you are asked whether or not you would like to install QuickTime. If you are not asked this question, go to "Find" on your computer, type in Quick TimeInstaller.exe., and double click on the file when it comes up.
6. Fill in the information you are asked during installation.
7. Come back to this page!


To begin the movie, click on the start button above or press the space bar. If you still need to download QuickTime, follow the directions on the left.